Julie Ann Greene - 

Your Freedom Path Mentor

I help you transform the blocks on your path to freedom

Guiding Your Transformation

I empower professional women through major life transitions such as career changes, divorce, or becoming empty nesters by utilizing a scientifically validated method to permanently neutralize disempowering beliefs. With hundreds of women supported through private and group sessions, I facilitate the creation of confidence, resilience, and emotional well-being, fostering their journey towards freedom and joy. This process is efficient and cost-effective, offering results in less time and for less money compared to traditional methods.

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Guiding Your Transformation

I support you on your path to mental and emotional freedom using many methods including a revolutionary approach that helps neutralize challenging emotions (things that trigger you), painful memories (religious and relationship trauma) and limiting beliefs (that your subconscious created to help you survive) quickly and effectively by leveraging the power of your superconscious called the MAP method. (Explanation of the MAP Method click below.

MAP Coaching Institute | Unlock Your True Life's Potential

Guiding Your Transformation

The stuck negative emotion is transformed, allowing you to see the past with a clear mind and heart. I also create sacred oil blends that assist in remembering your deepest soul connection with your creator and the next steps towards freedom. Scent is directly connected to memory and can stir you in an instant, returning you home. Individual sessions and a group community are available now with retreats being planned for the future.

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Julie has quite an amazing gift of mediumship and ability to translate Spirit. I was in the middle of an impossible situation with my children. During our session Julie created a bridge of communication . She fearlessly spoke for them and listened deeply to me. This was a key part of healing this I could not access myself. Her oil then “sealed the work “. I would highly recommend Julie . She was the medicine woman I needed to find peace and light in a dark spot.


~ Tracey M.



Coaching Package

 Includes 3 private coaching sessions 

for individualized support 

to achieve rapid transformation. 

Email me for larger packages at lower per session rate @ ScentsFromGod@gmail.com


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Group Mentoring

A 10 week group program 

weekly online meetings 

to transform blocks 

and magnetize

the life you desire now!

Modeled on the book "Scents from God".


In her book, “Scents from God,” Julie breaks down the Wisdom of the Universe into easy-to-understand lessons and thought-provoking reflections. Combined with “Scents From God” blends and affirmations, each lesson becomes a balm to both body and soul.

~ Trish Fliss - Founder & Coach, My Messy Recovery


Meet Julie

My birth changed the trajectory of my family's life. Religious trauma impacted my life with shame and guilt for existing. My mother was Catholic and named me after Saint Julie Billiart, a French nun that started a school for girls and taught girls how to connect with their creator. As a child I chose the beautiful parts of Christianity. I loved my altar with Mother Mary offering her flowers and prayers. I grew up seeing and feeling energy and felt at home in nature. Plants and wildlife speak to me and connect with my soul.

I left the Catholic Church at 13 when they could not answer my questions. I learned about many different faiths and studied with many of the best spiritual leaders in the United States.  I received my Shamanic initiation in 1995 in Arizona and my Scent Priestess Initiation in 2018 in Glastonbury. I have traveled to 43 countries which has given me a deep appreciation for the amazing cultures around the world. I have a master’s degree in Botany from Claremont Graduate School. I also have a master’s degree in Special Education. I am a certified MAP Coach, a Registered Aromatherapist, and a certified Intuitive Life Guide.

For over 25 years I have been creating sacred oil blends using my training and empathic gifts to assist hundreds of clients, family, friends, and animals. I had no desire to write a book, yet I received a message from God to write "Scents From God" to support and remind you that you are precious and perfect. www.ScentsFromGod.com



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